Monday, December 11, 2006

The Witch's Journey

Having dinner with crow much goodness happened. I connected with crow in a personal level which was great. Very comfortable. We talked about my stoopid living drama. We chatted about our personal practice work. I love that I feel accepted as a peer. And I really do, I feel accepted as a peer by all the reclaiming witches I have met. Zann and Crow and Miriam who have all been practicing and working hard for many more years than me. They listen when I speak and think about what I have to offer. I feel very blessed. I used to be...ok still am a bit intimidated of the tradition they share and that they are all respected teaches in their community. But I never feel they talk down to me or ever see me as less than one of the guys (yes I realize I’m the only guy). It is very heartening, and welcome and happy. I don't think I have told Zann and Crow how much their acceptance of me means. It is very validating and warm and happy. I know I am supposed to be working towards validating the self and being a big strong grown up witch. But until I get there my friends and circle-mates make my road a good place to be and lighten my spirit and my load. I feel like I should thank Nick and Aaron here too. They are my circle mates as well, but I have more history with them and I love them both and well i guess I take them a bit for granted cause they are old friends. I do value them and the energy and wisdom they bring to my life.

Back to Dinner after my rambling lovefest. Crow and I talked about how it was great that we could look up and stop and talk to our allies without freaking the other person out. It is nice and comforting to have a weird habit that someone else shares. It makes me feel less freaky. She reminded me of an ally I had been neglecting. She also gave me a lead on how to work with the faery ally who volunteered to work with me.

It is very video game like this faery stuff I'm doing. I need to get some info from some fearys. I need a translator/guide to do it. I need a name to call my volunteer to call her. I need to speak to the Rhymer to be introduced and find a way to connect. The information I will get is pretty vital to my future work as is the process of getting it. My ally cautioned me that taking these steps are big changes and they will change me for now and maybe forever. He did not say I should not do it, he said wait and look at the path you travel, this path will take you to many dangerous places and meet many powerful and dangerous souls. As you meet them they will meet you. And you will not be able to hide anymore. You will be known. To accept ones birthright one must accept ones name and all the implications and complications and responsibilities associated. So I feel a bit like the prodigal son going back to the ancestral home to accept my inheritance and take my place as an adult.

Speaking with crow she was explaining something to me about the child of promise and I was seeing an entirely different topic. I saw how Feri was a work of micro to macrocosms. We balance the souls within us. We balance our energies to run better. We grow and expand with these energies as we assume more and more of ourselves. We do shadow work to assume more and more control over our magical autonomic responses. We stack the pentacles and run them together like a motor calling our birthright as Humans. I see the feri work as working us to a point where we can accept our birthright energy and power as Humans and stand up and be counted. It feels like becoming an adult in the universe. Like when we are done with the feri work(ok so I know you are never done, but work with me here) we are in a state to accept the responsibility and the power of the HUMAN. And then our work begins again working in a larger pond but it feels like the work is the same only more outward. So that is as far as I can see about that. I explained what I saw to Crow and she didn't look at me like I had grown two heads so I think I'm on the right path. The words of Cascade are running through my head. It goes something like, "We remember the old bargains, the responsibilities, we keep the old Oaths, we remember." They aren't just talking about oaths to the fea, they are talking about our oaths to the Universe and the Star Goddess and to Ourselves.


Anonymous said...

Hey, you -- here's a Witchvox article I found by Orion re: the Child of Promise.


Anonymous said...

Helps if I actually paste it, don't you think?