Thursday, December 07, 2006

Baking in the Yummy Wisdom

Sing, sing sing sing of the joys and the trials of life. Sing of the many speldored things. Sing of Concubines and Kings. Sing we in the garden of delights and in the Bosnian rubble. Lift you your voices High for we are alive. We are quick and true. We are many and meaty. We are mean and mild. We are lofty and aloof. We are kin and kind. We are dying the day we are born. We are above and beyond duality.

There is a lot of writing about duality and the separating of things. Light, dark, us them. I think it is much more grey. We are like a cake mix, not eggs, not milk, not sugar, but what happens when you bake them together. Baking. The time it takes for your ingredients to set, to settle to become the finished process. The catalyst for transformation.

This is time beyond the chopping and collecting and then adding and stirring. This is time to mix energetically. Molecularly. It is the time we wait for it to all come together. Heat is the energy of change here. Heat and Time.

Learning. All the information in the world mean nothing if not in a perspective that is readable and logical. Assimilated data. Practice. Observation. Energy and Time.

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