Sunday, May 20, 2007

In the Woods out Back

Walking in the woods out back I hear a noise
But I'm not worried, I'm not far from home

a noise, a snap

Just a twig, or an animal, there's nothing there
But in the blackness I was no longer sure

something breathing
behind you...Don't look back!

I walk towards home ignoring the prickles on my skin
I walk towards home ignoring the pounding in my chest
I walk towards home ignoring what I hear
I walk towards home ignoring what I see
I walk towards home ignoring what I feel
I walk towards home willing myself deaf, blind and numb


I make it home
I walk many times out back after that
I don't see anything in the blackness
I don't hear anything in the blackness
I don't feel anything in the blackness
I am safe...and alone.

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